Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Wednesday, 12 Apr 17

Deadlifting with Jason Khalipa, 2008 CrossFit Games champion
Squat to stand
5 Downward dog push-ups
30 seconds Handstand hold against wall or free standing
5 Back stroke (each arm)
10 Single leg deadlifts (each side)
10 Handstand shrugs
10 yards Walking RDL and leg swings
10 yards Frankenstien
10 Headstand to push-up

Deadlift 1x5 at 65% 1RM Deadlift 1x5 at 75% 1RM Deadlift 1x5+ at 85% 1RM

15 min AMRAP
21 GHD Sit-ups 14 One-arm Dumbbell Push Jerks, pick load

Tabata GHD Hip Extension
Score total reps

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